



前掲論文のなかの「過去10年における福祉国家の適応」というセクションには、「The Scandinavian route」「The neo-liberal route」「The labor reduction route」という三つのサブセクションがあり、低成長期におけるそれぞれの福祉国家戦略について概説してあります。

このうち最後のもの(labor reduction route)は要するに大陸ヨーロッパ型の保守主義の戦略なのですが、あたかも現在の日本の状態を予見したような記述があって興味深いです。メモがわりに抜書きしておきます。

This helps explain its preference for early retirement (or disability pensions) as the principal policy for managing 'deindustrialization'. As a derived consequence, it also explains the high labor cost problem, employment inflexibilities, and the catastrophic levels of long-term youth uemployment. ... Social insurance finances are increasingly in deficit...

The indirect effect is that employers will prefer to regulate their labour need via an adjustment of hours rather than assume extra workers.

This kind of system has an inbuilt tendency to augment labour market rigidities. If we consider that most families depend on the male earner's pay and social rights, and when we add to this the declining number of active years due to later entry and early exit, the result is that the typical worker can ill afford any risks or employment breaks across his active career. The consequence is that voters and trade unions will defend the existing rights of the 'insiders' as forcefully as possible. There is an implicit conspiracy to safeguard the prime-age male worker even when this harms wife's, sons', and daughter's employment prospects.

The problem has obviously not gone unnoticed, but owing to trade union, employee and even employer resistance, major efforts at flexibilization are easily blocked or neutralized.

